The HPRS strongly recommends that Division of Property Orders be submitted for
preapproval prior to filing in court. Please submit your draft via U.S. mail or
Division of Property Orders
Ohio Highway Patrol Retirement System
1900 Polaris Parkway, Suite 201
Columbus, OH 43240-4037
Telephone 614.431.0781
Facsimile 614.431.9204
Common errors:
- Under Type of Payment (II. A.), checking all boxes or not checking any. The first two boxes for Age and Service benefits are contradictory; therefore, one or the other may apply, but not both.
- Under Method of Payment (II. B.), not completing all applicable blanks under either paragraph 1 or 2.
- Under Method of Payment (II. B. 2. c. i.), incorrectly calculating the numerator of the fraction.
- Under Method of Payment (II. B. 2. c. i.), not entering the date of marriage.
- Under Applicable Benefit (II. C.), not entering the effective date of the decree of divorce, dissolution, or legal separation.
- Typographical errors. Inevitably, retyped DOPO forms often contain errors. HPRS encourages the submission of a legible, typed or handwritten ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ version of the provided PDF form (see link below).
If you have questions, please contact Michael Press, General Counsel, at 614.430.3558
(direct dial) or
Division of Property Order Form